E-commerce Experience

See how we enhanced their system efficiency and scalability

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People playing with their own pets
A yellow object with a black background.


MySimplePetLab approached us with a need to enhance their e-commerce capabilities, automate internal processes, and improve overall system efficiency. Our comprehensive approach involved migrating their existing infrastructure, implementing new tools, and ensuring continuous maintenance and updates. Here’s how we did it.

The need to migrate to the client’s own servers for better control and cost efficiency.

A man walking with his dog illustration

Transitioning from Laravel and WooCommerce on WordPress to a more scalable platform.

A woman with her cat illustration

Automating internal processes to reduce manual work and errors.

An illustration of a family outing with their pet

Developing an API for seamless integration with partners.

An illustration of a family outing with their pet

Ensuring the system remains up-to-date with the latest technology advancements.

An illustration of a family outing with their pet


A man instructing a dog

Server Migration

We began with a migration to the client’s own servers, ensuring better control over their infrastructure and cost savings in the long run.

E-commerce Platform Transition

Migrated the e-commerce site from Laravel and WooCommerce on WordPress to Shopify, providing a more scalable and robust platform for their online store.

A grooming session of a dog
A cat & dog sitting in a room

Automation of Internal Processes

Implemented tools and solutions that automated various internal processes, significantly reducing manual work and minimizing errors.

API Implementation for Partners

Developed and implemented an API allowing MySimplePetLab’s partners to seamlessly integrate and offer their products, enhancing business opportunities and integration.

A grooming session of a dog
A cat & dog sitting in a room

Continuous Maintenance and Updates

Provided ongoing site maintenance and updated dependencies, including upgrading from Laravel 7 to Laravel 9, with a goal to reach Laravel 11.


Through strategic migration, platform transition, process automation, and continuous maintenance, we significantly enhanced MySimplePetLab's operational efficiency, scalability, and customer satisfaction. These improvements have positioned the company for sustained growth and competitive advantage in the e-commerce space.

Improved system control and cost efficiency.
A more scalable and robust e-commerce platform.
Enhanced internal efficiency through automation.
Increased business opportunities through partner integration.
Up-to-date technology stack ensuring long-term sustainability.
Improved user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

What the client says

"Their communication has been impressive — that’s one of the biggest compliments we can give."

Becky Gallant
Growth Manager - MySimplePetLab

"Trustworthy and reliable. Petpaws is my go-to for pet care. Highly recommended! Thank you for always exceeding my expectations!"

Michael R, Pug owner

"Amazing service! My dog absolutely loves going to petpaws. The staff is friendly, professional, and genuinely cares for the well-being of our furry friends. Highly recommended!"

Dave D, Rag Doll owner

"Absolutely thrilled with the care my pet receives at petpaws! Professional, reliable, and genuinely caring. Highly recommended!"

Simoni W, Golden retriever owner

"Incredible service! petpaws goes above and beyond to ensure the happiness and well-being of my furry friend. I trust them completely."

David K, African gray parrot owner

"Exceptional pet care! petpaws provides top-notch service with a personal touch. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my beloved pet."

Jennifer G, Rabbit owner
A yellow object with a black background.